To post or not to post, that is the question…

Hello everyone!

As some of you may know I live on the internet since I was about 15 years old. And with that and my immaturity came lots of social media mistakes that I want YOU to avoid! The internet is where we as individuals can send one message to many. This comes with a set of challenges and responsibilities that we must accept in order to live on the internet.

Here is a list of all my Social Media mistakes and why you should avoid them:

  1. Posting too much: When I look in my Facebook Memories and see post from 9 years ago, my first thought is: HOW CAN THAT BE 9 YEARS AGO ALREADY!!?? My second thought is: why did I even post this!? Things like: “OMG I’m sooo bored” or “Just here chilling and relaxing” are not worth publicizing to the world. NOBODY CARES. It might sound harsh but it’s the truth. When I look back I don’t even care about what I wrote. Instead look for things you want people to know you by. Things like your passions, favorite movies and things that are very close to your heart.
  2. Political debates: DON’T ENGAGE THE TROLLS! Unless you have solid proof of your arguments, stay away from heavy topics like politics. If you do share political information, be ready for the opposing side arguing. If you want to avoid the fight, maybe, reserve these views for a more private setting.
  3. FAKE NEWS: PLEASE!! Do a quick Google search of any headline you read on social media before sharing it. Misinformation is one of the biggest problems we face as a society. I have shared soooo many fake news links that I am honestly ashamed that I did. A Google search won’t hurt you and its just a couple seconds.
  4. Sharing news without reading the article: Yup been there done that. Articles are meant for hype and to get people to share the news. I have fallen for sooo many clickbait articles that say NOTHING about what is in the title that I am embarrassed to say it.
  5. Game invitations: Ok this one is just me venting. I have seen people whose timeline is 99% game invitations or game updates. It is possible to opt out of those. Just check in the game’s settings and the sharing permissions.
  6. Fights: Again, nobody cares that you are fighting with “lil shawty” or “Bebo” or “Tony” or whoever. I have always found that this is counterproductive and doesn’t fix the problems. Text that person directly. If he cheated on you, you don’t need to advertise it on Facebook. This just makes YOU look like you are looking for pity or attention and that honey, is not the right way. Talk to your friends, vent it out. Tell them how this person did you soooo wrong, but don’t make it public, it says more about you than about the person you are talking about.

These are just one of the many mistakes I have made over the last 10 years on the internet. Things change life changes. I am willing to accept growth and to learn from my mistakes. Please, don’t make this same mistakes.


As a rule of thumb, if you are unsure if you should post it or not, most times you better reserve the post.


What else would you like to see change from social media? Let me know and I can post it on a later blog post!